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Sort by Most Relevant
- Assessment, Taxation, & Corporate
- Cemeteries
- Census
- City Planning
- Contact Centre - 311
- Council Services
- Crime
- Customer Service and Communications
- Development Approvals, Building Permits, & Inspections
- Fire and Paramedic Service
- Fire and Rescue Response
- Indigenous Relations
- Insect Control
- Libraries
- Neighbourhood Liveability, Property Standards, & Licensing
- Organizational Support Services
- Parking Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Parks
- Province of Manitoba Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Recreation
- Streets
- Transit
- Transportation Planning & Traffic Management
- Water and Waste
- Animal Services Agency
- Assessment and Taxation
- Audit
- Chief Administrative Offices
- City Clerk's
- Community Services
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Support Services
- Customer Service & Communications
- Emergency Preparedness Program
- Fire Paramedic Service
- Golf Services
- Legal Services
- Planning, Property & Development
- Police - Winnipeg Police Service
- Public Works
- Transit - Winnipeg Transit
- Water & Waste
- Winnipeg Fleet Management Agency
- Winnipeg Parking Authority
- language
- % spent
- 2050
- aboriginal
- accidents
- actuals
- adjudication
- aggregate
- agriculture
- air quality
- alcohol
- allowance
- appointments
- archive
- area
- arena
- arm
- assiniboine
- audited
- available funds
- avenue
- bicycles
- bids
- block segment
- blockface
- broken
- building
- building permits
- by-law
- c19
- cabinets
- calls
- camera
- capital
- carbon
- chemical
- city council
- climate action
- climate mitigation
- closures
- cocaine
- collection
- community centre
- community energy investment roadmap
- company
- complaint
- construction
- construction values
- contractors
- contracts
- coronavirus
- coronovirus
- corridor
- corridors
- council disposition
- crystal meth
- current
- cyclist
- damage
- data
- datum
- devfiendly
- disposition of items
- dmis
- donations
- dual lane
- ecw
- electrical
- energy
- energy use
- enrolment
- equipement
- equipment
- event
- eww
- expense
- exposures
- failed
- feet above
- files
- financial statements
- fines
- fippa
- fire truck
- foia
- foot traffic
- forecast
- funding
- garage
- gate
- ghg inventory
- gift
- greenhouse gas
- hardware
- health
- health orders
- helicopter
- high school
- hockey
- households
- humidity
- illegal
- indications
- indoor
- inductive loops
- infrastructure
- insect control
- investigation
- james
- kiosk
- labour
- land
- leisure
- licensing
- lidar
- links
- lobbyist
- locations
- log
- malfunction
- manitoba
- marijuana
- masc
- mbm
- mechanical
- meta
- metadata
- mobility
- modelling
- monthly
- mosaic
- motion
- motor vehicle collisions
- naloxone
- nca
- net zero
- notice
- office of sustainability
- ombudsman
- on-street
- open capital projects
- operations
- opioid
- opportunities
- order
- outdoor
- pandemic
- particulate
- patio
- patrons
- pay by phone
- pdfs
- pedestrian
- penalty notice
- people
- permanent count station
- permit
- photos
- pickup
- planning
- plumbing
- pm2.5
- pole
- poles
- procurement
- provincial
- public
- pwd
- radar
- recent
- regulations
- religion
- request
- response
- response time
- restaurant
- ridership
- road sign
- rooming
- routing
- rush hour
- safety
- schools
- scores
- sensor
- sidewalk
- sign
- spray pad
- street closure lane
- talk times
- tatoo
- temperature
- tender
- testing
- tiles
- tonnage report
- totals
- tow
- trade
- transmission
- transportation
- trap
- tubes
- unpaid work
- vehicle for hire
- virus
- visible minority
- visitors
- vote
- wading pool
- wait times
- waste
- wiring
- wpa
- wwd
- yearly
- zoning
- zoom
- 2011
- address
- aerial
- air condition
- appeal
- assessed value
- assessment
- at
- basement
- boundaries
- building type
- business
- characterization
- childcare
- citizenship
- city limit
- conditional use
- condo
- control
- councillors
- covid-19
- demo
- development
- dwelling
- education
- emissions
- exterior
- fire
- flooding
- geodetic
- geographies
- geography
- geospatial
- heritage
- historical resources
- home
- house value
- housework
- icb
- imagery
- immigration
- income
- interior
- knowyourzone
- lane
- lanes
- level
- living area
- map
- marital status
- midblock
- narcotics
- network
- on-time
- ortho
- orthographic
- parking ban
- pass-up
- pathway
- payment
- paystation location
- plow
- proposed value
- public notice
- quality
- readings
- recreation
- recycling
- red river
- registry
- schedule
- school zone
- seasonal
- senior
- shapefile
- snow
- snow plow
- square foot
- stroller
- vacant
- variance
- water
- water and waste
- wheelchair
- winnipeg
- winter
- 2018
- beta
- bicycle
- biz
- bylaw
- cca
- climate change
- commercial
- committee
- count
- counts
- cycling
- enforcement
- ghg
- historic
- incidents
- insect
- inspections
- library
- open space
- paramedic
- parcels
- parks
- pool
- ppd
- recyling
- river
- roads
- sensors
- speed limit
- spray
- statistics
- streets
- tons
- tree
- urban forestry
- volume
- ward
- active transportation
- ambulance
- annual
- interestingvisual
- lrs
- mosquito
- property
- quarterly
- reports
- school
- swimming
- tonnes
- transit
- wards
- zone
- athletic field
- baseball
- basketball
- bbq
- bench
- bike
- buildings
- community
- court
- covid
- dock
- football
- garages
- garbage
- headcount
- hr
- inventory
- launch
- neighbourhood
- park
- play structure
- playground
- population
- residential
- retirement
- shelter
- sick time
- skating
- staffing
- street
- swing
- tennis
- toboggan
- track
- volleyball
- washroom
- yard waste
- agenda
- council
- fitness
- houses
- housing
- minutes
- parking ticket
- pools
- results
- road
- school trustee
- soccer
- traffic
- votes
- citation
- contravention
- councillor
- ticket
- violation
- voting
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- election
- electoral ward
- expenditures
- mayor
- operating
- parking
- path
- permits
- revenue
- taxation
- census
- 2016
- public facility
- budget
- tmc
- asset
- boundary
- 2006 census
- 2001 census
- disposition
- devfriendly
- hansard
- meeting
- performance
- 311
1 Result
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Tags > language
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Language and second language of neighbourhoods, neighbourhood clusters, wards, community areas, and custom areas including downtown and the entire city.
June 10 2021
Showing 1 result