1271 Results
Sort by Recently Updated
- Assessment, Taxation, & Corporate
- Cemeteries
- Census
- City Planning
- Contact Centre - 311
- Council Services
- Crime
- Customer Service and Communications
- Development Approvals, Building Permits, & Inspections
- Fire and Paramedic Service
- Fire and Rescue Response
- Indigenous Relations
- Insect Control
- Libraries
- Neighbourhood Liveability, Property Standards, & Licensing
- Organizational Support Services
- Parking Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Parks
- Province of Manitoba Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Recreation
- Streets
- Transit
- Transportation Planning & Traffic Management
- Water and Waste
- Animal Services Agency
- Assessment and Taxation
- Audit
- Chief Administrative Offices
- City Clerk's
- Community Services
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Support Services
- Customer Service & Communications
- Emergency Preparedness Program
- Fire Paramedic Service
- Golf Services
- Legal Services
- Planning, Property & Development
- Police - Winnipeg Police Service
- Public Works
- Transit - Winnipeg Transit
- Water & Waste
- Winnipeg Fleet Management Agency
- Winnipeg Parking Authority
- % spent
- 2050
- aboriginal
- accidents
- actuals
- adjudication
- aggregate
- agriculture
- air quality
- alcohol
- allowance
- appointments
- archive
- area
- arena
- arm
- assiniboine
- audited
- available funds
- avenue
- bicycles
- bids
- block segment
- blockface
- broken
- building
- building permits
- by-law
- c19
- cabinets
- calls
- camera
- capital
- carbon
- chemical
- city council
- climate action
- climate mitigation
- closures
- cocaine
- collection
- community centre
- community energy investment roadmap
- company
- complaint
- construction
- construction values
- contractors
- contracts
- coronavirus
- coronovirus
- corridor
- corridors
- council disposition
- crystal meth
- current
- cyclist
- damage
- data
- datum
- devfiendly
- disposition of items
- dmis
- donations
- dual lane
- ecw
- electrical
- energy
- energy use
- enrolment
- equipement
- equipment
- event
- eww
- expense
- exposures
- failed
- feet above
- files
- financial statements
- fines
- fippa
- fire truck
- foia
- foot traffic
- forecast
- funding
- garage
- gate
- ghg inventory
- gift
- greenhouse gas
- hardware
- health
- health orders
- helicopter
- high school
- hockey
- households
- humidity
- illegal
- indications
- indoor
- inductive loops
- infrastructure
- insect control
- investigation
- james
- kiosk
- labour
- land
- language
- leisure
- licensing
- lidar
- links
- lobbyist
- locations
- log
- malfunction
- manitoba
- marijuana
- masc
- mbm
- mechanical
- meta
- metadata
- mobility
- modelling
- monthly
- mosaic
- motion
- motor vehicle collisions
- naloxone
- nca
- net zero
- notice
- office of sustainability
- ombudsman
- on-street
- open capital projects
- operations
- opioid
- opportunities
- order
- outdoor
- pandemic
- particulate
- patio
- patrons
- pay by phone
- pdfs
- pedestrian
- penalty notice
- people
- permanent count station
- permit
- photos
- pickup
- planning
- plumbing
- pm2.5
- pole
- poles
- procurement
- provincial
- public
- pwd
- radar
- recent
- regulations
- religion
- request
- response
- response time
- restaurant
- ridership
- road sign
- rooming
- routing
- rush hour
- safety
- schools
- scores
- sensor
- sidewalk
- sign
- spray pad
- street closure lane
- talk times
- tatoo
- temperature
- tender
- testing
- tiles
- tonnage report
- totals
- tow
- trade
- transmission
- transportation
- trap
- tubes
- unpaid work
- vehicle for hire
- virus
- visible minority
- visitors
- vote
- wading pool
- wait times
- waste
- wiring
- wpa
- wwd
- yearly
- zoning
- zoom
- 2011
- address
- aerial
- air condition
- appeal
- assessed value
- assessment
- at
- basement
- boundaries
- building type
- business
- characterization
- childcare
- citizenship
- city limit
- conditional use
- condo
- control
- councillors
- covid-19
- demo
- development
- dwelling
- education
- emissions
- exterior
- fire
- flooding
- geodetic
- geographies
- geography
- geospatial
- heritage
- historical resources
- home
- house value
- housework
- icb
- imagery
- immigration
- income
- interior
- knowyourzone
- lane
- lanes
- level
- living area
- map
- marital status
- midblock
- narcotics
- network
- on-time
- ortho
- orthographic
- parking ban
- pass-up
- pathway
- payment
- paystation location
- plow
- proposed value
- public notice
- quality
- readings
- recreation
- recycling
- red river
- registry
- schedule
- school zone
- seasonal
- senior
- shapefile
- snow
- snow plow
- square foot
- stroller
- vacant
- variance
- water
- water and waste
- wheelchair
- winnipeg
- winter
- 2018
- beta
- bicycle
- biz
- bylaw
- cca
- climate change
- commercial
- committee
- count
- counts
- cycling
- enforcement
- ghg
- historic
- incidents
- insect
- inspections
- library
- open space
- paramedic
- parcels
- parks
- pool
- ppd
- recyling
- river
- roads
- sensors
- speed limit
- spray
- statistics
- streets
- tons
- tree
- urban forestry
- volume
- ward
- active transportation
- ambulance
- annual
- interestingvisual
- lrs
- mosquito
- property
- quarterly
- reports
- school
- swimming
- tonnes
- transit
- wards
- zone
- athletic field
- baseball
- basketball
- bbq
- bench
- bike
- buildings
- community
- court
- covid
- dock
- football
- garages
- garbage
- headcount
- hr
- inventory
- launch
- neighbourhood
- park
- play structure
- playground
- population
- residential
- retirement
- shelter
- sick time
- skating
- staffing
- street
- swing
- tennis
- toboggan
- track
- volleyball
- washroom
- yard waste
- agenda
- council
- fitness
- houses
- housing
- minutes
- parking ticket
- pools
- results
- road
- school trustee
- soccer
- traffic
- votes
- citation
- contravention
- councillor
- ticket
- violation
- voting
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- election
- electoral ward
- expenditures
- mayor
- operating
- parking
- path
- permits
- revenue
- taxation
- census
- 2016
- public facility
- budget
- tmc
- asset
- boundary
- 2006 census
- 2001 census
- disposition
- devfriendly
- hansard
- meeting
- performance
- 311
1271 Results
Areas representing the adult mosquito trap counts data. The exact location of the trap have not been provided due to privacy issues
September 12 2024
Areas where mosquito larvae are commonly found that are inspected and possibly treated by the City of Winnipeg’s Public Works Department
September 12 2024
This posted speed limit dataset is based on:
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
The data set does not include:
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
This dataset is an LRS event that can be used in conjunction with the base City of Winnipeg LRS Open Data layer. (https://data.winnipeg.ca/Streets/City-of-Winnipeg-LRS/jwfi-vjqw/data)
September 12 2024
This posted speed limit dataset is based on:
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
The data set does not include:
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
This dataset is an LRS event that can be used in conjunction with the base City of Winnipeg LRS Open Data layer. (https://data.winnipeg.ca/Streets/City-of-Winnipeg-LRS/jwfi-vjqw/data)
No tags assigned
September 12 2024
Speed limits of Winnipeg COMMUNITY CREATED
City Planning
This dataset is an LRS event to be used in conjunction with the base LRS geometries at https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/jwfi-vjqw/data
This dataset provides a representation of speed limits with the following limitations:
1) Transition points between speed limits are often set at the nearest intersection and may not reflect the exact point described in Speed Limit By-law No. 63/2019
2) Reduced speed school zones (30 km/h) are not included in the dataset.
3) Some “Non-City” roadways (e.g., Perimeter Highway) in the immediate vicinity of the City are included to provide network continuity. The accuracy of these roadways is not guaranteed as they are not maintained by the City of Winnipeg. These roadways have all been assigned a default speed limit value of 99 km/h, however this is not intended to be an actual representation of the speed limit.
4) Transition points between roadways under the authority of the City of Winnipeg and roadways that are “Non-City” (e.g., under the authority of the Province of Manitoba) may not reflect the exact transition point of designated traffic authority.
1) Transition points between speed limits are often set at the nearest intersection and may not reflect the exact point described in Speed Limit By-law No. 63/2019
2) Reduced speed school zones (30 km/h) are not included in the dataset.
3) Some “Non-City” roadways (e.g., Perimeter Highway) in the immediate vicinity of the City are included to provide network continuity. The accuracy of these roadways is not guaranteed as they are not maintained by the City of Winnipeg. These roadways have all been assigned a default speed limit value of 99 km/h, however this is not intended to be an actual representation of the speed limit.
4) Transition points between roadways under the authority of the City of Winnipeg and roadways that are “Non-City” (e.g., under the authority of the Province of Manitoba) may not reflect the exact transition point of designated traffic authority.
No tags assigned
September 12 2024
No tags assigned
September 12 2024
This dataset is an LRS event to be used in conjunction with the base LRS geometries at https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/jwfi-vjqw/data
This dataset contains all reduced speed limit school zone areas, enacted in By-Law 76/2014 https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
September 12 2024
This dataset is an LRS event to be used in conjunction with the base LRS geometries at https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/jwfi-vjqw/data, the Location column provided is a dynamic segmentation of the event based on the LRS geometries.
This event provides information on the street classifications, address ranges, number of lanes, and direction of City of Winnipeg streets.
Values for the Oneway column are as follows:
0 – The street is a two-way street
1 – The one-way direction is opposite the digitized direction
2 – The one-way direction is the same as the digitized direction
0 – The street is a two-way street
1 – The one-way direction is opposite the digitized direction
2 – The one-way direction is the same as the digitized direction
September 12 2024
This dataset is an LRS event to be used in conjunction with the base LRS geometries at https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/jwfi-vjqw/data, the Location column provided is a dynamic segmentation of the event based on the LRS geometries.
This event provides information on the street classifications, address ranges, number of lanes, and direction of City of Winnipeg streets.
Values for the Oneway column are as follows:
0 – The street is a two-way street
1 – The one-way direction is opposite the digitized direction
2 – The one-way direction is the same as the digitized direction
0 – The street is a two-way street
1 – The one-way direction is opposite the digitized direction
2 – The one-way direction is the same as the digitized direction
No tags assigned
September 12 2024
This dataset is the base geometry used by The City of Winnipeg's Linear Reference System (LRS). It is to be used in conjunction with LRS events also published on the Open Data portal.
Currently published LRS events are:
Block Segments: https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/sr8r-ehr3
Speed Limits: https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/j5wn-5wz7
Block Segments: https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/sr8r-ehr3
Speed Limits: https://data.winnipeg.ca/d/j5wn-5wz7
Things to be aware of when using the Winnipeg LRS:
- Although attempts have been made to ensure the geometry and attribute data is correct, errors still exist in the network. Please use at your own risk.
- The LRS segments have been digitized in the direction of the municipal addressing
- Although attempts have been made to ensure the geometry and attribute data is correct, errors still exist in the network. Please use at your own risk.
- The LRS segments have been digitized in the direction of the municipal addressing
For more information on linear referencing as a concept, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_referencing
September 12 2024