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- Assessment, Taxation, & Corporate
- Cemeteries
- Census
- City Planning
- Contact Centre - 311
- Council Services
- Crime
- Customer Service and Communications
- Development Approvals, Building Permits, & Inspections
- Fire and Paramedic Service
- Fire and Rescue Response
- Indigenous Relations
- Insect Control
- Libraries
- Neighbourhood Liveability, Property Standards, & Licensing
- Organizational Support Services
- Parking Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Parks
- Province of Manitoba Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Recreation
- Streets
- Transit
- Transportation Planning & Traffic Management
- Water and Waste
- Animal Services Agency
- Assessment and Taxation
- Audit
- Chief Administrative Offices
- City Clerk's
- Community Services
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Support Services
- Customer Service & Communications
- Emergency Preparedness Program
- Fire Paramedic Service
- Golf Services
- Legal Services
- Planning, Property & Development
- Police - Winnipeg Police Service
- Public Works
- Transit - Winnipeg Transit
- Water & Waste
- Winnipeg Fleet Management Agency
- Winnipeg Parking Authority
- % spent
- 2050
- aboriginal
- accidents
- actuals
- adjudication
- aggregate
- agriculture
- air quality
- alcohol
- allowance
- appointments
- archive
- area
- arena
- arm
- assiniboine
- audited
- available funds
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- bicycles
- bids
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- blockface
- broken
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- building permits
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- climate mitigation
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- community energy investment roadmap
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- complaint
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- construction values
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- contracts
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- coronovirus
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- corridors
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- damage
- data
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- disposition of items
- dmis
- donations
- dual lane
- ecw
- electrical
- energy
- energy use
- enrolment
- equipement
- equipment
- event
- eww
- expense
- exposures
- failed
- feet above
- files
- financial statements
- fines
- fippa
- fire truck
- foia
- foot traffic
- forecast
- funding
- garage
- gate
- ghg inventory
- gift
- greenhouse gas
- hardware
- health
- health orders
- helicopter
- high school
- hockey
- households
- humidity
- illegal
- indications
- indoor
- inductive loops
- infrastructure
- insect control
- investigation
- james
- kiosk
- labour
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- licensing
- lidar
- links
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- log
- malfunction
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- metadata
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- net zero
- notice
- office of sustainability
- ombudsman
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- penalty notice
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- permanent count station
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- poles
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- sensor
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- spray pad
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- testing
- tiles
- tonnage report
- totals
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- tubes
- unpaid work
- vehicle for hire
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- wpa
- wwd
- yearly
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- appeal
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- assessment
- at
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- control
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- lanes
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- map
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- narcotics
- network
- on-time
- ortho
- orthographic
- parking ban
- pass-up
- pathway
- payment
- paystation location
- plow
- proposed value
- public notice
- quality
- readings
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- recycling
- red river
- registry
- schedule
- school zone
- seasonal
- senior
- shapefile
- snow
- snow plow
- square foot
- stroller
- vacant
- variance
- water
- water and waste
- wheelchair
- winnipeg
- winter
- 2018
- beta
- bicycle
- biz
- bylaw
- cca
- climate change
- commercial
- committee
- count
- counts
- cycling
- enforcement
- ghg
- historic
- incidents
- insect
- inspections
- library
- open space
- paramedic
- parcels
- parks
- pool
- ppd
- recyling
- river
- roads
- sensors
- speed limit
- spray
- statistics
- streets
- tons
- tree
- urban forestry
- volume
- ward
- active transportation
- ambulance
- annual
- interestingvisual
- lrs
- mosquito
- property
- quarterly
- reports
- school
- swimming
- tonnes
- transit
- wards
- zone
- athletic field
- baseball
- basketball
- bbq
- bench
- bike
- buildings
- community
- court
- covid
- dock
- football
- garages
- garbage
- headcount
- hr
- inventory
- launch
- neighbourhood
- park
- play structure
- playground
- population
- residential
- retirement
- shelter
- sick time
- skating
- staffing
- street
- swing
- tennis
- toboggan
- track
- volleyball
- washroom
- yard waste
- agenda
- council
- fitness
- houses
- housing
- minutes
- parking ticket
- pools
- results
- road
- school trustee
- soccer
- traffic
- votes
- citation
- contravention
- councillor
- ticket
- violation
- voting
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- election
- electoral ward
- expenditures
- mayor
- operating
- parking
- path
- permits
- revenue
- taxation
- census
- 2016
- public facility
- budget
- tmc
- asset
- boundary
- 2006 census
- 2001 census
- disposition
- devfriendly
- hansard
- meeting
- performance
- 311
176 Results
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September 4 2024
Library incident report data is derived from Winnipeg Public Library's internal incident reporting system. Staff are instructed to use this system to record, report and track incidents that occur in any of the Library's 20 branch locations or that occur during offsite visits. Examples of the types of incidents may include but are not limited to:
- injury to staff or public
- hazardous conditions
- abusive or threatening behaviour
- criminal activity
- medical emergencies
- unplanned building closures
- unattended children
- injury to staff or public
- hazardous conditions
- abusive or threatening behaviour
- criminal activity
- medical emergencies
- unplanned building closures
- unattended children
Individual incident reports may contact names or other personal data that are not included per FIPPA guidelines.
September 4 2024
Characteristics of a dwelling (type, tenure, condition, period of construction, and costs) organized by neighbourhoods, neighbourhood clusters, wards, community areas, and custom areas including downtown and the entire city.
September 22 2023
All pothole repairs performed by the City of Winnipeg's Public Works Department. One pothole is classified as 25 kg of fill material. Material amounts are pro-rated by length of geometry capture per entry record.
For example: If a day's record of pothole patching is attributed to Main St (1 km) and Portage Ave (0.5 km), and 375 kg of patching material was used, then Main St would be calculated as having 10 potholes filled and Portage Ave would be calculated as having 5 potholes filled.
No tags assigned
June 10 2021
This posted speed limit dataset is based on:
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
The data set does not include:
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
This dataset is an LRS event that can be used in conjunction with the base City of Winnipeg LRS Open Data layer. (https://data.winnipeg.ca/Streets/City-of-Winnipeg-LRS/jwfi-vjqw/data)
September 18 2024
A list of public meeting agendas, dispositions, and minutes. Additionally, a web link is available to the full document in Word format.
September 4 2024
September 4 2024
Characteristics of income (composition of income, employment income, annual income, and incidence of low income) organized by neighbourhoods, neighbourhood clusters, wards, community areas, and custom areas including downtown and the entire city.
August 10 2023
On April 26, 2017 Council approved the implementation of a voluntary lobbyist registry. The purpose of the registry is to provide transparency on lobbying activities in the City of Winnipeg
Lobbyists are not required by legislation to register their activities; however registration on a voluntary basis is encouraged in order to enhance the transparency and integrity of business conducted.
August 14 2024