5 Results
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Categories > Province of Manitoba
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- Assessment, Taxation, & Corporate
- Cemeteries
- Census
- City Planning
- Contact Centre - 311
- Council Services
- Crime
- Customer Service and Communications
- Development Approvals, Building Permits, & Inspections
- Fire and Paramedic Service
- Fire and Rescue Response
- Indigenous Relations
- Insect Control
- Libraries
- Neighbourhood Liveability, Property Standards, & Licensing
- Organizational Support Services
- Parking Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Parks
- Province of Manitoba Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Recreation
- Streets
- Transit
- Transportation Planning & Traffic Management
- Water and Waste
- Animal Services Agency
- Assessment and Taxation
- Audit
- Chief Administrative Offices
- City Clerk's
- Community Services
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Support Services
- Customer Service & Communications
- Emergency Preparedness Program
- Fire Paramedic Service
- Golf Services
- Legal Services
- Planning, Property & Development
- Police - Winnipeg Police Service
- Public Works
- Transit - Winnipeg Transit
- Water & Waste
- Winnipeg Fleet Management Agency
- Winnipeg Parking Authority
- % spent
- 2050
- aboriginal
- accidents
- actuals
- adjudication
- aggregate
- agriculture
- air quality
- alcohol
- allowance
- appointments
- archive
- area
- arena
- arm
- assiniboine
- audited
- available funds
- avenue
- bicycles
- bids
- block segment
- blockface
- broken
- building
- building permits
- by-law
- c19
- cabinets
- calls
- camera
- capital
- carbon
- chemical
- city council
- climate action
- climate mitigation
- closures
- cocaine
- collection
- community centre
- community energy investment roadmap
- company
- complaint
- construction
- construction values
- contractors
- contracts
- coronavirus
- coronovirus
- corridor
- corridors
- council disposition
- crystal meth
- current
- cyclist
- damage
- data
- datum
- devfiendly
- disposition of items
- dmis
- donations
- dual lane
- ecw
- electrical
- energy
- energy use
- enrolment
- equipement
- equipment
- event
- eww
- expense
- exposures
- failed
- feet above
- files
- financial statements
- fines
- fippa
- fire truck
- foia
- foot traffic
- forecast
- funding
- garage
- gate
- ghg inventory
- gift
- greenhouse gas
- hardware
- health
- health orders
- helicopter
- high school
- hockey
- households
- humidity
- illegal
- indications
- indoor
- inductive loops
- infrastructure
- insect control
- investigation
- james
- kiosk
- labour
- land
- language
- leisure
- licensing
- lidar
- links
- lobbyist
- locations
- log
- malfunction
- manitoba
- marijuana
- masc
- mbm
- mechanical
- meta
- metadata
- mobility
- modelling
- monthly
- mosaic
- motion
- motor vehicle collisions
- naloxone
- nca
- net zero
- notice
- office of sustainability
- ombudsman
- on-street
- open capital projects
- operations
- opioid
- opportunities
- order
- outdoor
- pandemic
- particulate
- patio
- patrons
- pay by phone
- pdfs
- pedestrian
- penalty notice
- people
- permanent count station
- permit
- photos
- pickup
- planning
- plumbing
- pm2.5
- pole
- poles
- procurement
- provincial
- public
- pwd
- radar
- recent
- regulations
- religion
- request
- response
- response time
- restaurant
- ridership
- road sign
- rooming
- routing
- rush hour
- safety
- schools
- scores
- sensor
- sidewalk
- sign
- spray pad
- street closure lane
- talk times
- tatoo
- temperature
- tender
- testing
- tiles
- tonnage report
- totals
- tow
- trade
- transmission
- transportation
- trap
- tubes
- unpaid work
- vehicle for hire
- virus
- visible minority
- visitors
- vote
- wading pool
- wait times
- waste
- wiring
- wpa
- wwd
- yearly
- zoning
- zoom
- 2011
- address
- aerial
- air condition
- appeal
- assessed value
- assessment
- at
- basement
- boundaries
- building type
- business
- characterization
- childcare
- citizenship
- city limit
- conditional use
- condo
- control
- councillors
- covid-19
- demo
- development
- dwelling
- education
- emissions
- exterior
- fire
- flooding
- geodetic
- geographies
- geography
- geospatial
- heritage
- historical resources
- home
- house value
- housework
- icb
- imagery
- immigration
- income
- interior
- knowyourzone
- lane
- lanes
- level
- living area
- map
- marital status
- midblock
- narcotics
- network
- on-time
- ortho
- orthographic
- parking ban
- pass-up
- pathway
- payment
- paystation location
- plow
- proposed value
- public notice
- quality
- readings
- recreation
- recycling
- red river
- registry
- schedule
- school zone
- seasonal
- senior
- shapefile
- snow
- snow plow
- square foot
- stroller
- vacant
- variance
- water
- water and waste
- wheelchair
- winnipeg
- winter
- 2018
- beta
- bicycle
- biz
- bylaw
- cca
- climate change
- commercial
- committee
- count
- counts
- cycling
- enforcement
- ghg
- historic
- incidents
- insect
- inspections
- library
- open space
- paramedic
- parcels
- parks
- pool
- ppd
- recyling
- river
- roads
- sensors
- speed limit
- spray
- statistics
- streets
- tons
- tree
- urban forestry
- volume
- ward
- active transportation
- ambulance
- annual
- interestingvisual
- lrs
- mosquito
- property
- quarterly
- reports
- school
- swimming
- tonnes
- transit
- wards
- zone
- athletic field
- baseball
- basketball
- bbq
- bench
- bike
- buildings
- community
- court
- covid
- dock
- football
- garages
- garbage
- headcount
- hr
- inventory
- launch
- neighbourhood
- park
- play structure
- playground
- population
- residential
- retirement
- shelter
- sick time
- skating
- staffing
- street
- swing
- tennis
- toboggan
- track
- volleyball
- washroom
- yard waste
- agenda
- council
- fitness
- houses
- housing
- minutes
- parking ticket
- pools
- results
- road
- school trustee
- soccer
- traffic
- votes
- citation
- contravention
- councillor
- ticket
- violation
- voting
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- election
- electoral ward
- expenditures
- mayor
- operating
- parking
- path
- permits
- revenue
- taxation
- census
- 2016
- public facility
- budget
- tmc
- asset
- boundary
- 2006 census
- 2001 census
- disposition
- devfriendly
- hansard
- meeting
- performance
- 311
5 Results
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Categories > Province of Manitoba
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The report provides enrolment statistics based on data reported annually on September 30th by public and independent schools in the Province of Manitoba.
This data is provided by the Province of Manitoba as a pilot Open Data program between the city and the province - the data is available here: http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/finance/sch_enrol/
June 10 2021
This data set shows yield information for various grain crops and their varieties, grouped by risk area and year. This data comes from reports by producers that insure with MASC only. For details on Manitoba risk areas please refer to the attached document to this dataset.
December 7 2023
This dataset lists locations where people might have been exposed to COVID-19 in a City of Winnipeg facility or vehicle, including Winnipeg Transit and Winnipeg Transit Plus. The information in this dataset is taken directly from the Manitoba Health website (http://www.manitoba.ca/covid19/restartmb/prs/winnipeg/index.html#exposure) , and updated daily by 4 p.m. as required.
Residents are reminded that if they are showing symptoms of COVID-19, they are advised to visit a testing site as soon as possible. Those who have concerns about symptoms or who are unsure whether they should be tested can call Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll free at 1-888-315-9257. For the most up-to-date information related to COVID-19, visit: http://www.manitoba.ca/covid19.
September 12 2024
Health Protection Reports are released by the Province of Manitoba, and provide information about health inspections of food services establishments, swimming pools and water recreation facilities, and body modification establishments. It includes information about all health-related closures and convictions for serious violations of public health regulations. Only City of Winnipeg closures and convictions are available in this dataset. More information can be found at https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/environmentalhealth/protection/report.html.
June 10 2021
Dataset contains the locations of all road signs denoting reduced speed limit school zones
December 10 2021
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results