89 Results
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Group > City Services
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- Assessment, Taxation, & Corporate
- Cemeteries
- Census
- City Planning
- Contact Centre - 311
- Council Services
- Crime
- Customer Service and Communications
- Development Approvals, Building Permits, & Inspections
- Fire and Paramedic Service
- Fire and Rescue Response
- Indigenous Relations
- Insect Control
- Libraries
- Neighbourhood Liveability, Property Standards, & Licensing
- Organizational Support Services
- Parking Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Parks
- Province of Manitoba Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Recreation
- Streets
- Transit
- Transportation Planning & Traffic Management
- Water and Waste
- Animal Services Agency
- Assessment and Taxation
- Audit
- Chief Administrative Offices
- City Clerk's
- Community Services
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Support Services
- Customer Service & Communications
- Emergency Preparedness Program
- Fire Paramedic Service
- Golf Services
- Legal Services
- Planning, Property & Development
- Police - Winnipeg Police Service
- Public Works
- Transit - Winnipeg Transit
- Water & Waste
- Winnipeg Fleet Management Agency
- Winnipeg Parking Authority
- % spent
- 2050
- aboriginal
- accidents
- actuals
- adjudication
- aggregate
- agriculture
- air quality
- alcohol
- allowance
- appointments
- archive
- area
- arena
- arm
- assiniboine
- audited
- available funds
- avenue
- bicycles
- bids
- block segment
- blockface
- broken
- building
- building permits
- by-law
- c19
- cabinets
- calls
- camera
- capital
- carbon
- chemical
- city council
- climate action
- climate mitigation
- closures
- cocaine
- collection
- community centre
- community energy investment roadmap
- company
- complaint
- construction
- construction values
- contractors
- contracts
- coronavirus
- coronovirus
- corridor
- corridors
- council disposition
- crystal meth
- current
- cyclist
- damage
- data
- datum
- devfiendly
- disposition of items
- dmis
- donations
- dual lane
- ecw
- electrical
- energy
- energy use
- enrolment
- equipement
- equipment
- event
- eww
- expense
- exposures
- failed
- feet above
- files
- financial statements
- fines
- fippa
- fire truck
- foia
- foot traffic
- forecast
- funding
- garage
- gate
- ghg inventory
- gift
- greenhouse gas
- hardware
- health
- health orders
- helicopter
- high school
- hockey
- households
- humidity
- illegal
- indications
- indoor
- inductive loops
- infrastructure
- insect control
- investigation
- james
- kiosk
- labour
- land
- language
- leisure
- licensing
- lidar
- links
- lobbyist
- locations
- log
- malfunction
- manitoba
- marijuana
- masc
- mbm
- mechanical
- meta
- metadata
- mobility
- modelling
- monthly
- mosaic
- motion
- motor vehicle collisions
- naloxone
- nca
- net zero
- notice
- office of sustainability
- ombudsman
- on-street
- open capital projects
- operations
- opioid
- opportunities
- order
- outdoor
- pandemic
- particulate
- patio
- patrons
- pay by phone
- pdfs
- pedestrian
- penalty notice
- people
- permanent count station
- permit
- photos
- pickup
- planning
- plumbing
- pm2.5
- pole
- poles
- procurement
- provincial
- public
- pwd
- radar
- recent
- regulations
- religion
- request
- response
- response time
- restaurant
- ridership
- road sign
- rooming
- routing
- rush hour
- safety
- schools
- scores
- sensor
- sidewalk
- sign
- spray pad
- street closure lane
- talk times
- tatoo
- temperature
- tender
- testing
- tiles
- tonnage report
- totals
- tow
- trade
- transmission
- transportation
- trap
- tubes
- unpaid work
- vehicle for hire
- virus
- visible minority
- visitors
- vote
- wading pool
- wait times
- waste
- wiring
- wpa
- wwd
- yearly
- zoning
- zoom
- 2011
- address
- aerial
- air condition
- appeal
- assessed value
- assessment
- at
- basement
- boundaries
- building type
- business
- characterization
- childcare
- citizenship
- city limit
- conditional use
- condo
- control
- councillors
- covid-19
- demo
- development
- dwelling
- education
- emissions
- exterior
- fire
- flooding
- geodetic
- geographies
- geography
- geospatial
- heritage
- historical resources
- home
- house value
- housework
- icb
- imagery
- immigration
- income
- interior
- knowyourzone
- lane
- lanes
- level
- living area
- map
- marital status
- midblock
- narcotics
- network
- on-time
- ortho
- orthographic
- parking ban
- pass-up
- pathway
- payment
- paystation location
- plow
- proposed value
- public notice
- quality
- readings
- recreation
- recycling
- red river
- registry
- schedule
- school zone
- seasonal
- senior
- shapefile
- snow
- snow plow
- square foot
- stroller
- vacant
- variance
- water
- water and waste
- wheelchair
- winnipeg
- winter
- 2018
- beta
- bicycle
- biz
- bylaw
- cca
- climate change
- commercial
- committee
- count
- counts
- cycling
- enforcement
- ghg
- historic
- incidents
- insect
- inspections
- library
- open space
- paramedic
- parcels
- parks
- pool
- ppd
- recyling
- river
- roads
- sensors
- speed limit
- spray
- statistics
- streets
- tons
- tree
- urban forestry
- volume
- ward
- active transportation
- ambulance
- annual
- interestingvisual
- lrs
- mosquito
- property
- quarterly
- reports
- school
- swimming
- tonnes
- transit
- wards
- zone
- athletic field
- baseball
- basketball
- bbq
- bench
- bike
- buildings
- community
- court
- covid
- dock
- football
- garages
- garbage
- headcount
- hr
- inventory
- launch
- neighbourhood
- park
- play structure
- playground
- population
- residential
- retirement
- shelter
- sick time
- skating
- staffing
- street
- swing
- tennis
- toboggan
- track
- volleyball
- washroom
- yard waste
- agenda
- council
- fitness
- houses
- housing
- minutes
- parking ticket
- pools
- results
- road
- school trustee
- soccer
- traffic
- votes
- citation
- contravention
- councillor
- ticket
- violation
- voting
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- election
- electoral ward
- expenditures
- mayor
- operating
- parking
- path
- permits
- revenue
- taxation
- census
- 2016
- public facility
- budget
- tmc
- asset
- boundary
- 2006 census
- 2001 census
- disposition
- devfriendly
- hansard
- meeting
- performance
- 311
89 Results
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Group > City Services
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April 24 2024
Basic information about swimming activities (bookings) that have been scheduled at City of Winnipeg facilities. The data is located in the ActiveNet system which is a managed hosted system. Includes facility, type of activity (lane usage, public swim times, shallow end bookings, deep end bookings, etc.). Data has been modified to remove customer information such as names, address, etc.
No tags assigned
July 7 2022
Quarterly and Yearly amounts of Residential Garbage, Recycling and Yard Waste collected by the City of Winnipeg.
September 4 2024
This posted speed limit dataset is based on:
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
Speed Limits By-law (No. 63/2019)
Parks By-law (No. 85/2009)
The data set does not include:
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
Reduced-speed school zones
- Open Data: LRS School Speed Limits layer
- https://data.winnipeg.ca/City-Planning/LRS-School-Speed-Limits/k56t-9dvi
- Reduced-Speed School Zones By-law (76/2014)
- https://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/docext/viewdoc.asp?documenttypeid=1&docid=6274
Posted speed limits outside City jurisdiction that are enacted in The Highway Traffic Act
- Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/014-2019.php?lang=en
- Speed Limits Above 90 km/h Regulation
- https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/current/027-2019.php?lang=en
This dataset is an LRS event that can be used in conjunction with the base City of Winnipeg LRS Open Data layer. (https://data.winnipeg.ca/Streets/City-of-Winnipeg-LRS/jwfi-vjqw/data)
September 12 2024
This data set comprise the walkway network for the City of Winnipeg. Where available, it includes the surface material and the width of the walkway in meters. The width may vary, in which case they will be indicated as a range
No tags assigned
September 12 2024
This data set comprise the walkway network for the City of Winnipeg. Where available, it includes the surface material and the width of the walkway in meters. The width may vary, in which case they will be indicated as a range
September 12 2024
Fire and paramedic incidents by ward COMMUNITY CREATED
Fire and Rescue Response
** Please note due to a systems update, updates to this dataset will be postponed until further notice **
The data set will list every call the WFPS has responded to between 2015 to present, which units responded, whether it was a medical emergency or fire/rescue call, when the incident resolved, whether it involved a vehicular collision, and which neighbourhood and electoral ward it took place in. The data is based on the calls received, which may not necessitate a unit being sent as additional information is provided.
The units can be broken down as follows:
Medical -
DC: District Chief
EPIC: Emergency Paramedics in the Community Unit
MIRV: Major Incident Response Unit
PACE: Non Motorized Unit
PTRS: Special Assignment Unit
##: Ambulance Unit
DC: District Chief
EPIC: Emergency Paramedics in the Community Unit
MIRV: Major Incident Response Unit
PACE: Non Motorized Unit
PTRS: Special Assignment Unit
##: Ambulance Unit
Fire Rescue -
ATV: Special Rescue
BN: Special Rescue
CV: Special Rescue
D: District Chief
DCT: Special Rescue
E: Engine/Pumper
FI: Fire Investigator
GA: Gator
GEN: Special Rescue
HM: Hazmat
L: Ladder
P: Platoon Chief
R: Rescue
RU: Special Rescue
S: Platoon Safety Officer
SN: Special Rescue
SQ: Squad
T: Special Rescue
TC: Special Rescue
W: Water Rescue
WERU: Special Rescue
WL: Special Rescue
ATV: Special Rescue
BN: Special Rescue
CV: Special Rescue
D: District Chief
DCT: Special Rescue
E: Engine/Pumper
FI: Fire Investigator
GA: Gator
GEN: Special Rescue
HM: Hazmat
L: Ladder
P: Platoon Chief
R: Rescue
RU: Special Rescue
S: Platoon Safety Officer
SN: Special Rescue
SQ: Squad
T: Special Rescue
TC: Special Rescue
W: Water Rescue
WERU: Special Rescue
WL: Special Rescue
No tags assigned
September 18 2024
The City of Winnipeg licenses 15 business activities through the Doing Business in Winnipeg By-law (https://winnipeg.ca/CLKDMIS/DocExt/ViewDoc.asp?DocumentTypeId=1&DocId=4222&DocType=C). Each activity requires one or more permits or approvals from other City of Winnipeg departments. Licensing provides protection and support within the community by regulating and controlling various activities where there is a risk or danger to the public’s health or safety. Licensing also assists in crime prevention.
September 4 2024
This dataset is an index for City of Winnipeg LiDAR files created by the Water and Waste department. Each file contains a point cloud detailing the location, elevation and surface type at each location point. Rows with a file type of "Tile" link to a file containing a 1km x 1km section of the City, while rows with a file type of "Full" link to a zipped collection of every tile available for the year.
No tags assigned
November 16 2022
Heat Map Transit Pass-Ups COMMUNITY CREATED
A pass-up occurs when a bus is too full to allow any additional passengers to board a bus. Passengers are “passed-up” and must wait at the bus stop for the next scheduled bus.
This data is recorded by the bus’s on-board computer whenever a bus operator pushes a button to log when a pass-up occurs.
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September 9 2024